Who We Are
We are an English family living in the UK. Self-employed mum and dad, both in our fifties. Two daughters in primary school who are curious and courageous.
In 2024, for various reasons, we decided to go against convention, deregister our children from traditional classroom-based schooling in the UK and begin a worldschooling adventure. You may ask why, how, or even WTF? We hope to answer all those questions in this blog.
The reason for creating this site is primarily to record this mad moment in time for us and our children - modern journalling. We have no lofty ambitions to become professional travel bloggers, inspire you to do anything quite as crazy or to gain any recognition. If, however, you are planning on taking time out from your routine life and we can help with any tips, lessons learned or to give you a sense of 'sod it, life's too short' then we are happy this is a by-product of our musings.

How it all began
We are ordinary working people. We are comfortable, not wealthy. We are less cautious since becoming entrepreneurs, but we are not risk-seekers. We lead pretty routine lives focused on school and work. We are not seeking a permanent alternative lifestyle for our family, we just all felt we would benefit from stepping away from routine to stretch our horizons, spend time in incredible nature, learning about different cultures - beyond what we might do on a holiday. We live in a small village in central England and we work punishing hours to support our respective businesses.
There is, however, more to life than business success. A childhood is astonishingly short. Our eldest daughter will begin secondary school next year. We have flexible working arrangements as owners of our businesses. We are older parents, so while we are fit enough to be intrepid, while they're young enough to follow, yet old enough to remember and be positively influenced by their experiences, the time feels right just now, before we become too creaky. Who knows if we'll have this opportunity to travel in the same way as a family unit when the kids are older and with more commitments. We hope so, but we're taking advantage of the now. Making forever memories.

The Plan
The plan is to work remotely while travelling. We also intend to homeschool our children using the world as our classroom, finding inspiration and education for all of us in the areas we visit and temporarily call home. We are under no illusion that this will be plain sailing, or that we are in any way competent substitutes for their respected teachers. But in this initial 6-month plan, we can offer them some world perspectives, hone some life skills, help them develop independence to tread respectfully and confidently in places beyond our small island.